Do You Have A Right To Know If You Are Sitting On A Ticking Timebomb? Apparently Not

Over the last few years, I have devoted a lot of space on this platform to women’s health and oncology. That is because I am both a cancer scientist currently working in breast cancer and because I have always regarded myself as a person who is generally in favor of promoting women’s health through education … Read more

5 Dangerous Cancer Myths

One of the most interesting aspects of the “Age Of Misinformation” is the flourishing of thousands of medical myths. These are usually propagated by people who are not qualified medical professionals or scientists, who peddle misinterpreted or flat-out incorrect information to the Internet masses. Whether these myths are started to sell products or in good … Read more

Why are so many people getting cancer?

We are undoubtedly in the middle of what has been described as a “cancer epidemic”. The risk of contracting cancer has risen by over 10% over a single generation and is expected to increase by over 20% between 2010 and 2020. This means that in three years’ time there will be about 2 million people diagnosed with cancer … Read more

Do You Need A Mastectomy?

Everyone remembers the iconic moment in 2013 when Angelina Jolie underwent a double mastectomy to protect herself from cancer. Jolie had undergone genetic testing, which had revealed that she carried a mutation in the BRCA1 gene that dramatically increased her risk of contracting breast cancer. Jolie’s genetic testing results meant she had an 87% chance … Read more

Breast Cancer and Abortion: Facts Over Fiction

We live in socially and politically turbulent times. In particular, women’s health seems to be an increasingly controversial topic all around the globe. In particular, laws regulating abortion seem to be under increasingly fraught debate. The abortion debate is not only surrounding the legality of abortion per se, but also the rules and regulations that … Read more

Are you young? Look out for colon cancer.

The colorectal cancer statistics for this past year were recently published. While the most striking thing the report highlights is undoubtedly the marked racial differences in colon cancer incidence and prognosis (check out my previous post here), another shocking fact highlighted by the report is how the risk of colon cancer is increasing in younger people. Colorectal … Read more