Do You Have A Right To Know If You Are Sitting On A Ticking Timebomb? Apparently Not

Over the last few years, I have devoted a lot of space on this platform to women’s health and oncology. That is because I am both a cancer scientist currently working in breast cancer and because I have always regarded myself as a person who is generally in favor of promoting women’s health through education … Read more

The FDA Fights Back Against Homeopathy

As of December 2018, the FDA has proposedĀ a new, risk-based enforcement approach to homeopathic drug products that have the greatest potential to cause risk to patients. This represents a welcome first step in attempting to regulate so-called “alternative medicine”, which has, as mentioned several times in this and in other related platforms, the potential to … Read more

Why Naturopathy Isn’t Always Harmless

As someone who spends a lot of time talking about the dangers of “alternative medicine”, I often get confronted with the following argument against banning such practices: “Worst case scenario, it doesn’t work. That’s harmless. Why take something away that people rely on and that makes them feel better about their health?“. The point I … Read more

Alternative Medicine: Harmless Or Deadly?

A cancer diagnosis is an awful thing. Cancer isn’t simply devastating news for the patient – its consequences ripple through groups of family and friends spreading fear and uncertainty of what the future will bring. While cancer research and treatment has come a huge way since the earlier part of this century, many types of … Read more