LOOKS MATTER! Cancer risk is linked to fat distribution

Every woman who has ever opened a magazine knows her “shape”. “Pear shaped” women accumulate fat on their hips and thighs, “hourglass shaped” women do the same but also have large breasts, “ruler” women have broad shoulders and larger waists and “apple shaped” people accumulate their fat on their waists and guts. While obviously comparing … Read more

Why Naturopathy Isn’t Always Harmless

As someone who spends a lot of time talking about the dangers of “alternative medicine”, I often get confronted with the following argument against banning such practices: “Worst case scenario, it doesn’t work. That’s harmless. Why take something away that people rely on and that makes them feel better about their health?“. The point I … Read more

The Dangers Of Red Hair (and what science is doing about it)

These days, redheads the world over are acutely aware of the dangers they run by exposing themselves to the sun. In exchange for their fiery locks, they are unfortunately subject to a 40% increase in the risk of being diagnosed with melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer. So far, our understanding of why … Read more