Why Naturopathy Isn’t Always Harmless

As someone who spends a lot of time talking about the dangers of “alternative medicine”, I often get confronted with the following argument against banning such practices: “Worst case scenario, it doesn’t work. That’s harmless. Why take something away that people rely on and that makes them feel better about their health?“. The point I … Read more

Alternative Medicine: Harmless Or Deadly?

A cancer diagnosis is an awful thing. Cancer isn’t simply devastating news for the patient – its consequences ripple through groups of family and friends spreading fear and uncertainty of what the future will bring. While cancer research and treatment has come a huge way since the earlier part of this century, many types of … Read more

Does Curry Cure Cancer?

Recent attention-grabbing headlines have been suggesting that curry powder – and in particular one of its most prominent ingredients, turmeric – are the newest and most exciting trend in curing cancer. Most of the hype has been due to the publication of a case report published in the British Medical Journal illustrating the case of a … Read more