The FDA Fights Back Against Homeopathy

As of December 2018, the FDA has proposed a new, risk-based enforcement approach to homeopathic drug products that have the greatest potential to cause risk to patients. This represents a welcome first step in attempting to regulate so-called “alternative medicine”, which has, as mentioned several times in this and in other related platforms, the potential to … Read more

How America Learns About Science

The recent public debate has highlighted how different groups of Americans perceive science and how they trust it (or don’t trust it) to make important decisions about their lives and the lives of those around them. Issues that have now become largely political, such as climate change, contraception, evolution and the conservation of natural resources … Read more

Why Naturopathy Isn’t Always Harmless

As someone who spends a lot of time talking about the dangers of “alternative medicine”, I often get confronted with the following argument against banning such practices: “Worst case scenario, it doesn’t work. That’s harmless. Why take something away that people rely on and that makes them feel better about their health?“. The point I … Read more

How To Stay Engaged After #Marchforscience

The #marchforscience happened this past weekend. In a truly heartwarming display of both political commitment and self-aware nerdiness, scientists and science-enthusiasts from around the globe took to the streets last Saturday sporting a series of exceedingly rational demands and some outstandingly witty signs. While of course some people found themselves poking holes through the actual … Read more

Breast Cancer and Abortion: Facts Over Fiction

We live in socially and politically turbulent times. In particular, women’s health seems to be an increasingly controversial topic all around the globe. In particular, laws regulating abortion seem to be under increasingly fraught debate. The abortion debate is not only surrounding the legality of abortion per se, but also the rules and regulations that … Read more

Cancer And Contraception: A Strange Thing Happened

An odd thing happened just yesterday that got me thinking about the way the internet works and about the much-talked about issue of confirmation bias. On Friday, I posted an article about the link between cancer and contraception. In the post, I start off explaining that hormonal contraception has been shown to be a very positive thing … Read more