The Science You Should Have Heard About This Week

I cannot do anything without having a cup of black coffee in the morning and I feel this sentiment is shared by a really large segment of the population. Coffee is delicious and like most other foods and beverages can both be bad or good for you. Some very interesting and trustworthy studies have been … Read more

The Science You Should have Heard About This Week

Popular newspapers have spent their time, money and energy promoting this exciting piece of news on their platform. Apparently, eating five (not four, not six) mushrooms a day will protect us not only from cancer, but also from heart disease and from dementia. Is it any wonder, I thought, that a lot of the general public finds it hard … Read more

How America Learns About Science

The recent public debate has highlighted how different groups of Americans perceive science and how they trust it (or don’t trust it) to make important decisions about their lives and the lives of those around them. Issues that have now become largely political, such as climate change, contraception, evolution and the conservation of natural resources … Read more

LOOKS MATTER! Cancer risk is linked to fat distribution

Every woman who has ever opened a magazine knows her “shape”. “Pear shaped” women accumulate fat on their hips and thighs, “hourglass shaped” women do the same but also have large breasts, “ruler” women have broad shoulders and larger waists and “apple shaped” people accumulate their fat on their waists and guts. While obviously comparing … Read more

Why Naturopathy Isn’t Always Harmless

As someone who spends a lot of time talking about the dangers of “alternative medicine”, I often get confronted with the following argument against banning such practices: “Worst case scenario, it doesn’t work. That’s harmless. Why take something away that people rely on and that makes them feel better about their health?“. The point I … Read more

Alternative Medicine: Harmless Or Deadly?

A cancer diagnosis is an awful thing. Cancer isn’t simply devastating news for the patient – its consequences ripple through groups of family and friends spreading fear and uncertainty of what the future will bring. While cancer research and treatment has come a huge way since the earlier part of this century, many types of … Read more